Tuesday, March 6, 2012

the good, the bad, {but hopefully not ugly}

when I first started my blog and titled it "passports and pearls: the adventures of a jewelry designer" I decided to keep it light and just about things that inspired me, new designs, and my travels and adventures living in nyc. basically, the fun stuff. but then I started thinking about the adventures I was leaving out: the ones where I'm incredibly frustrated, disappointed, and drained in the process of trying to establish my business.  this is a really big part of my story. I'm optimistic about my jewelry because I believe in my product and am not one to give up when the going gets tough. but I still have plenty of moments of doubt, as does pretty much every entrepreneur.

so I've decided I'm going to start sharing stories about trying to make it.  the good, the bad, {here is the part where I'm supposed to say "the ugly" but I really hope things never get ugly!}.

wish me luck...

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