Tuesday, October 4, 2011

october birthstone: opal

"there are worlds in an opal" -astrid alauda

as a lover of things that with sparkle and color, I particularly enjoy the flashes of color (known as "play-of-color") that opals provide. while most common in white and green, opals also come in black (the most rare), pink, yellow, red, blue-green, and orange

yellow, red, and orange opals, called fire opals, are mined primarily in mexico. this pair of sandra dini earrings is an example of the stunningly bright colors fire opals can be found in

these gorgeous irene neuwirth earrings showcase pink opals.

rare black opals are the focus of these sarah weinstock earrings. adore!

most opals on the market are between 50 and 65 million years old. one of the most exciting pieces of news about opals is that NASA has even found deposits on mars! can you imagine owning a necklace with opals mined on mars?!

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