Monday, August 26, 2013

just go for it


every couple of months I like to take a step back and reflect on business decisions I've made and how they turned out: what should I have done differently? what worked?  what didn't?, etc. and one common question I always ask myself is: "did I time that correctly?". 

you hear the phrase "timing is everything" a lot in business. and as someone who is very type A, I constantly try to be in complete control of a situation before I start a new business opportunity or go in a new direction. but one thing I've learned is that you miss a lot of opportunities if you hold back until the situation is just right, because let's be honest, things rarely happen perfectly. sometimes you just have to throw yourself into something and figure it out along the way.

this summer has been all about taking leaps of faith with my business (but always, always, always listening to my gut...and doing my homework). and over the next few months I will start to see how these decisions start to play out and I have to say I'm really excited. so, bring it on fall :)

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